That's right. I said "Oh snap" even in high school. And my nickname was Hoover (long explanation that basically boils down to my last name being Herbert. Then there's the president... Herbert Hoover. Thus came the name Hoover). Honestly, I love this. Who wouldn't? How can you pass up pink ribbon, paint and dinosaurs? [maybe I can get a picture of my prom dress too :)]
All this to say that I've changed so much since high school. Two and a half years will do that to you I guess. I used to be so entirely awkward, not that I still don't have my moments. I had braces (no more of that, praise the Lord.) I wanted to be a doctor. I still have the shirt to prove it. Now I feel a little more grown up, but still young at times. I still have a LOT of growing up to do. I was naive back in high school about a lot of things. I'm still that way. Believe me. I lead a sheltered life and sometimes it's not a bad thing. There are somethings I would rather not know about. But I think more than anything, I've learned to embrace who I am. Going through high school it's easy to compare yourself to the popular people, but God made me this way. He knows who I am and loves me despite of it all.
So there. That's my thought for today. High school. Sometimes I miss ya, but most of the time I don't. :)
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