Friday, May 30, 2008

Adios and that sort.

Here goes nothing.

Ready or not, here I come.

Camp. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Woo. I am so tired. We played ethnic dominoes last night. Who knew that dominoes could be so fun? I sure didn't. Betsy and Jessica made me cupcakes for my last Wednesday night. They were good.

Sarah spent the night, which resulted in staying up way too late to wake up way too early. We talked a whole lot and laughed a whole lot too.

So Betsy and Jessica also bought me one of my favorite snacks that everyone else thinks is disgusting, circus peanuts. Oh man. I was thrilled. I put them near my bag during ethnic dominoes time. Then I left later. At home Sarah and I were nearing the end of our conversation when I realized that I had no circus peanuts. They were gone. I literally got up out of bed, checked my bag, and called Justin because he hid them. Needless to say, it was funny.

I leave tomorrow. What the frick? Camp has always been so far in the future, now it's here. Woa man. It's crazy.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I don't know what it is, but lately I have been so very emotional. This morning I was watching the 90's movie The Little Giants and I got all teary eyed.

Saying goodbye to people at work broke my heart.

This week I'll say goodbye to family and friends for 2 and a half months. Not forever, but goodbyes in any form still suck. What the mug? I hate them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The nerves are starting to hit me. As my days at home dwindle, I begin to doubt everything.

Do I really want to be away from home that long?
Do I have what it takes to teach these kids about Jesus?
Will people like me?

The list goes on and on.

But as I worry and doubt myself, I realize that God has a plan. Really, it's not about me. It's not about words I can say or things I can do to reach these kids. It's what he gives me that will do it. It's the message and actions that he leads me through. It's him, not me. Thank you Jesus for that. Oh man. If I had to lead kids to follow Jesus by just being frickin' awesome, it wouldn't happen.

This summer will be trying. I will grow. Hopefully I will come back a little different, a little tanner(yea right) and still frickin' awesome. Don't you worry. I will come back with great stories and wonderful memories. I will want to tell you all about them. All the kids. All the fun activities. The trips. Everything.

I have two more weeks left. As I sit here, I can tell you what each day holds, trying to fit every bit of time with family, friends, and home in before I leave. It's weird. But as nervous as I am, I'm ready. It'll be an adventure. And I know I won't be alone. That's for sure.